How to decorate an empty rented house living room without spending too much money

Decorate an empty rented house : When you are a renter, decorating and renovating your place may seem bootless – since you are a transient member of that particular abode. But remember, be it a rental property, it is your home even for a twinkling period. 

Apart from that, customizing make-overs becomes even a big fuss since you need to operate on a specific budget that is not traceable for long. Well, here are some ways to beautifully decorate your rented living room, from a scratch, and surprisingly, on a constant budget. 


Be smart with the furniture(s)

Cozy rented living room house decorating
Photo by Rachel Claire from Pexels

Your very blank living room is nothing but a sweet-breathing canvas, waiting for you to delineate it. Rather than over-furnishing the whole place, and drowning your rigid budget, pick furniture that helps commutate the place. For example, rather than justifying a set of sofa with an expensive coffee table in between, revive the place with some classy chairs. If quirky and fun speaks your persona, hang a hammock, and spread packs of bean bag chairs, to really energize the place. No, that’s not living like a hippie, that’s how being high-spirited is!

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Use the space wisely

It is only feasible that you want to either compact the place, and utilize every space of it, or compensate with what you have. Be it any case, you need to think and be versatile. If you don’t have much to give in your living room, how about you make it something else? Or at least just the edge of it? 

You can employ a brief part of your living room as a home office, or you can make it a station for your art, or even go out of your lame space and establish a mini-bar. Just put your A-game in working with whatever you have rather than forcing things and hence end up saving a bunch of pennies. 

Consider wall-papers

Being a renter and investing in painting the walls are pure vain. Temporary wallpapers are something that you should go with. They are quite easy to install without much manpower, do not cost much, and the best part is that they get peeled off quite easily, so you don’t have to worry about the permanence of any wall prints. 

While choosing the paint colors you might end up lacking a medley of flavor, in the case of wall-papers, there are so many styles and patterns to choose from that it will become very flexible for you. 

Quotes and Neon signs

Living room decorating with Neon sign
Photo by Photo by Andrea Davis from Pexels

Who really needs gigantic chandeliers and large abstract paintings to jazz up your living room? Come on, we are not still living in the Queen’s era, are we? Go with trendy and snazzy room decors like neon signs, chic quotes, even over-the-top movie- references plastered in a frame to literally ginger up your tired living room without even dumping too much money. 

Also, make sure you hang the accessories well, without any tangible damage to the surface of the walls since walls might not be backed up by renter’s insurance coverage. Although any smart renter would want security  from unprecedented scenarios where a tiny-looking accident could cost you a fortune. Look, accidents can never be foreseen. The realisation that you knew about a possible cover up for a bad scenario existed but you never took it, is a terrible feeling to go through after an accident. You would want your precious to stay precious. Hence, you would also want to cover them with a renter’s insurance.

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Spread a cheerful rug

You might not have a say in the type of flooring of your house, but you most certainly have a play in putting glee under your feet. Do not let some ramshackle floorboard mess with your living room décor, in any way. Rug could be, hence, a fabulous hero to save the aesthetic and essence that you need to succeed. You can be hell-a creative with your choices. You can own a monochromatic look, or a rather brightened look, whatever you want. 

Curtains could be your savior

White curtain for rented living room house
Photo by Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

You must know the significance of using the right curtain, especially in your living room. Curtains can form a sense of validation that can completely freshen up the place. A long, aligned curtain-set could really play with the actual space of the room, while the blinds could set sophistication in the whole space. 

After you have sustained an abstract idea in your head about the vibe you want your living room to echo, make sure you choose the curtain that accommodates that particular ‘vibe’. 

Bring on lights

You can probably adjust everything, and yet find your place to be pale and quite insipid. Yes, that’s when you know your room needs some fits of light. You can adjust the furniture, secondary decoration supplies, curtains, etc. in a manner that doesn’t block any source of natural, beautiful light. 

You should also opt for the color scheme of your entire living room that is not blunt and rather easy on the eyes. Apart from that, you can bring some cute lamps, put on a good amount of mirrors (round, rectangular, large, small, etc.), install sky-lights if you have the budget, which could definitely help in shaping the right light in your drawing-room.

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You really need not harass yourself due to the battle between your budget and an ache to have the most gorgeous living room. You can have it all, just be playing it smart. Have a plan, before even beginning to buy stuff and just peacefully enjoy the process of making this rental property feel like home. 

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